When it’s low carb day and the carbs are calling your name
When you’re trying to eat clean and someone walks in with dominos
When you ask your personal trainer for some honest feedback and they’re too honest
When you lose weight so celebrate by eating but then put it all back on
When you go to refill your water bottle and see someone unracking your weights
When you’re injured and see everyone lifting
When someone eats whatever they want looks great while i smell a cookie and gain 3 lbs
When you overhear you’re son telling his friends that he has zero interest in lifting weights
How it feels missing the gym for 1 week
Me after spotting a tripod in the gym and staring directly into the camera
When the sarm goblins think i use gear and ask if i can get them some
When you see someone on the leg press with big weights and locking their knees on every rep
When you reach boiling point and decide they’ve been hogging the bench too long
Me spreading dangerous misinformation to gym newbies so they’ll never catch up to my physique
Gym partner let’s try german volume training. me after the fifth set of squats
When your lifting partner suggests you start doing some cardio
When you’re about gym life but nobody notices that you workout
Non lifters i don’t workout cos i don’t wanna get bulky. me