When you hear someone say they don’t wanna get too big
When someone says your gainz are down to genetics
When you’ve calculated your marcos and someone asks to take a bite
Mfer you haven’t seen in a while hey you still workout me who hasn’t missed a day in years
When you leave leg day for tomorrow and tomorrow arrives
That look when a newbie tries to correct your form
Non lifter hitting the gym 4 times a week is too much. me
When a non lifter tries to give you lifting advice
Friend you can skip one workout, it won’t matter. me
Me bad sessions happen, you just have to brush them off me when i have a bad session
Gym newbies when they realise that skipping legs is just a meme and you actually have to hit them
When your gym buddy suggests giving cross fit a go
Natty me lifting decent weights. big dudes on roids
When the all you can eat buffet owner starts staring at me after i tell him i’m bulking
Gym buddy wanna skip legs and hit chest again me
When you realise you have less than 3 weeks to get in shape for your hols
When you nearly die after squats and realise you’ve only just started your leg workout
Friend i don’t wanna lift heavy cos it’s bad for the joints. me