When you see a gym bench finally available
When you realize you’re now bigger than the dude who introduced you to the gym
When your gym crush notices your gainz
Gym crush hi, how are you me
Me realizing i’m now bigger than the dude who introduced me to the gym
The feeling when someone notices your booty gainz
When you see someone who’s also bout gym life
When it’s friday, gym done for the week
When you realise your only two hobbies are going to the gym and taking naps
Me when a weight that was too much for me last month is now easy
The face you make when you realise you’ve maxed out every machine in the gym
When you’re at the gym and your song comes on
When i see a regular outside of the gym
When you’re at the gym on friday night and all the equipment is yours
The feel when your preworkout kicks in
When you get a free shaker with your protein
When your gym crush notices your gainz
My face when i learn my favourite protein is on sale