When the pre starts kicking way to hard and you’re trying not to freak out
When you skip one workout and begin to doubt your entire life
When your gym buddy suggests giving cross fit a go
When there’s no one in the gym strong enough to spot you
Gets to 24 hour gym it’s closed
When life gives you lemons but you wanted cupcakes
When someone suggests there’s life outside the gym
The face you make when you see someone with bad form
My face outside any restaurant after i workout
Gym buddy wanna skip legs and hit chest again me
Newbie squatting to parallel is half repping. me
When you see someone curling in the squat rack
When someone takes the bench you’ve been waiting 10 minutes for
When you hear someone say machines are superior to free weights
When you’re half way through a heavy squat session on a friday night and questioning if you’re doing the rig
When you drink your protein, do your cardio and workout 8 hours a day, but the first thing she asks is ho
When you have a bunch of adult stuff to do but you just wanna go to the gym
When you see a personal trainer that needs a personal trainer