When you’re half way through a heavy squat session on a friday night and questioning if you’re doing the rig
When you see some skinny guy showing off his abs
When a gym newbie offers training advice
When there’s birthday cake at work but you’re on a diet
When you see someone curling in the squat rack
Mfer walking in between me and the mirror mid set. me
When you’re back in the gym after 3 months and your warmup feels heavy
When you hear someone say ‘i don’t train legs’
When your gym buddy suggests giving cross fit a go
When you’ve been dieting all day and someone offers you a slice of pizza
My face before my last squat set, wondering if it’s all worth it
The face you make when you see someone with bad form
When it’s leg day but you dont wanna
The face you make, in between sets, trying to remember when it all went wrong
Gets to 24 hour gym it’s closed
When someone tells you they wanna quit the gym after a week cos they not seeing any results
When you’re a beast in the gym but can’t run more than 90 seconds on the treadmill
When someone performs 10 reps with your max