When you hit the gym at 6am to avoid the crowds and it’s packed out
Gym mfer walks in between me and the mirror during a set. me
When your gym buddy goes to another gym
When it’s low carb day and the carbs are calling your name
When you drink your protein, do your cardio and workout 8 hours a day, but the first thing she asks is ho
When you look across the gym and your favourite machine is taken
My face after a set of calf raises
You new gym partners reaction when they go through your workout
Me when someone tells me they don’t have time to workout but i wake at 5am to hit the gym
When you’ve been on the treadmill for 20 minutes but it’s actually been 1
Me when i’ve one more of set of squats to go but not sure if i’ve got it in me
Battery dies in bluetooth headphones, forced to listen to gym playlist
Newbie squatting to parallel is half repping. me
My reaction when someone thinks it’s funny to slap my thighs after leg day
When you’ve calculated your marcos and someone asks to take a bite
When the hot girl at the gym starts doing squats right next to you
The face your gym partner makes when you tell them how many sets they got left
When you’re a beast in the gym but can’t run more than 90 seconds on the treadmill