My face when i see a pic of myself before i started working out
When someone walks in between you and the mirror during a set
Friend you can skip one workout, it won’t matter. me
The face you make when you think you should start doing some cardio
When you’re warming up and someone asks if you want a spot
When the skinny guy makes me take off my headphones to give me unsolicited weight loss tips
When someone tells me you workout too much
When you see someone curling in the squat rack
When you skip one workout and begin to doubt your entire life
When there’s birthday cake at work but you’re on a diet
When you go to refill your water bottle and see someone unracking your weights
How haters look when you keep getting better
Forgot to post on facebook that i was going to the gym, now whole session is wasted
When the gym employee says you’re deadlifting grunts are disturbing others
Gym mfer walks in between me and the mirror during a set. me
Gym mfer stockpiling the dumbbells. me
When someone tells me there are better hobbies than working out
When you hit the gym at 6am to avoid the crowds and it’s packed out