My face when someone asks me how many sets you got left
Watching someone warming up with your max
When someone walks in between you and the mirror during a set
When you look across the gym and your favourite machine is taken
That look you give someone when they tell you they gonna start doing crossfit
Non lifters i don’t have time to hit the gym. me getting up at 5am to hit the gym before work
When all the junk food you ate over the weekend finally catches you up
Me staring at the 40 year old construction worker in jeans benching 500 lbs
When you see someone in the gym putting their plates back
My face when i’m warming up and someone asks if i want a spot
When your gym buddy suggests skipping legs and hitting chest again
When you’ve got doms and it’s leg day
When i see a regular outside of the gym
When someone tells you they wanna quit the gym after a week cos they not seeing any results
When there’s birthday cake at work but it’s low carb day
Get’s to gym, remembers it’s legs day
When you see someone forget to rerack their dumbbells
When the lift is broken and yesterday was squats