When you’re about gym life but nobody notices that you workout
Zero carbs expect the occasional tantrum
That moment when your date says they don’t lift
When it’s bed time but you still have 2 meals to eat
When you’re a beast in the gym but can’t run more than 9 seconds on the treadmill
Me protein fart, my bad. everyone else
When everyone else is eating cookies and other delicious shit
When you leave your bench to find more plates and you see someone unracking it
When life gives you lemons but you wanted carbs
Me realising the gym session is over and it’s time to go back to real life
When you’ve taken preworkout and find out gym is closed
When you hit the gym at 6am to avoid the crowds and it’s packed out
The feel when your preworkout kicks in
When i’ve waited patiently for a free bench but someone jumps in
When you’ve blown the diet and not sure if you’re disgusted with yourself or should finish with something sweet
Took 3 scoops, no idea who or where i am
When you’ve been dieting for a week but you’re still not skinny
When you drink your protein, do your cardio and workout 8 hours a day, but the first thing she asks is how t