The feeling when someone notices your booty gainz
When you catch someone miring your gainz
When the lift is broken and yesterday was squats
Gym mfer putting their plates back. me
When someone accuses you of half repping squats
When it’s friday, gym done for the week
When your gym crush notices your gainz
Friend bro, your gym crush is here, act natural. me
When someone tells you they enjoy burpees
When you’re at the gym on a sunday and spot someone you saw last week
That confidence you get when you start hitting the gym
When you find low carb food you actually like
The first time a gym newbie asks for your advice
Newbie i’m gonna try rich piana’s 2 hour arm workout. me
That feeling when you hit a new pr
When someone tries giving me advice on how to grow my calves
When you see your ex with a new partner who doesn’t even lift
When your friends ain’t seen you in months and you got gainz