Friend i don’t wanna lift heavy cos it’s bad for the joints. me
Newbie squatting to parallel is half repping. me
My face after finishing a workout just as the gym hits it’s busiest peak hours
When the joke isn’t funny but was told by your gym crush
When a gym newbie offers training advice
When someone accuses you of half repping squats
Me spreading dangerous misinformation to gym newbies so they’ll never catch up to my physique
When you see your ex with a new partner who doesn’t even lift
Watching your friend take preworkout for the first time
When you see someone move the pin down to a heavier weight when they’re done using the machine
When your new gym buddy warms up with you max
When your whole body is sore but gym is life
When someone tells you them squats are paying off
Me determined that this is the week my calves will start to grow. my calves
When people who don’t lift tell you you’re getting too big
When you hit a pr and your gym crush was watching
Me when someone tells me you’ve lost some size since i last saw you
When life gives you lemons but you wanted carbs