When you started lifting to get girls but instead your dm’s are filled with guys
Me in between sets, trying to remember when it all went wrong
When you’re waiting for work to end and hit the gym but you hear your boss mention the word overtime
The face you make,in between sets, contemplating life
My face when a good song comes on during my workout
When your gym buddy turns up with lifting gloves
When the preworkout said take 1 level scoop but you took 2 heaped and now you can’t decide whether to the gym
When you’re resting between sets and someone asks if you’re finished with the bench
Gym buddy wanna skip legs and hit chest again me
When someone tries talking to me in the gym
Me bad sessions happen, you just have to brush them off me when i have a bad session
Me in between sets, trying to remember when it all went wrong
When someone says they don’t train on fridays
Newbie squatting to parallel is half repping. me
When someone has been lifting for a week and tells you they wanna quit
When you look across the gym and your favourite machine is taken
My face outside any restaurant after i workout
My reaction when someone thinks it’s funny to slap my thighs after leg day