When someone suggests there’s life outside the gym
The face you make when you see someone with bad form
Pre workout just kicked in
When it took 6 days to get over stiff legs and you realise today is squats
When someone is taking their sweet ass time to finish their last set
Get’s to gym, remembers it’s legs day
When someone else is getting blamed for the protein fart i just let out
When you’re waiting for work to end and hit the gym but you hear your boss mention the word overtime
Me excited to hit the gym after work but my boss mentions the word overtime
When you’ve trained 5 times this week and spot someone who’s done the same
Me after 7 days of ketosis and i’ve lost 1 lb
My face after a set of calf raises
When you done 8 reps but know deep down you had 2 more in you
Fitness influencers getting exposed for using fake weights. me
When you go to refill your water bottle and see someone unracking your weights
When there’s birthday cake at work but it’s low carb day
When it’s bed time but you still have 2 meals to eat
Sometimes i wonder why my friends don’t even lift