When you see a personal trainer that needs a personal trainer
When you walk into the gym during dead hours and it’s packed
When you see some skinny guy showing off his abs
When you see your ex with a new partner who doesn’t even lift
Watching a documentary about a serial killer he was a loner, had no lover, spent all his time at the gym. me
That moment when your date says they don’t lift
When your gym buddy turns up with lifting gloves
Me after 7 days of ketosis and i’ve lost 1 lb
When you see someone curling in the squat rack
When you have a bunch of adult stuff to do but you just wanna go to the gym
When you hear someone say they don’t wanna build muscle, they wanna get toned
Me when someone tells me they don’t have time to workout but i wake at 5am to hit the gym
When you’re on a diet and the carbs are calling your name
When you’ve been hitting the gym for 3 months and nobody compliments you
When you have to leave the gym early because you have the shits
When your friends ain’t seen you in months and you got gainz
The face you make when someone asks if they can start working out with you
When the all you can eat buffet owner starts staring at me after i tell him i’m bulking