When you’ve got doms and your gym buddy wants to squat
Newbie squatting to parallel is half repping. me
When someone accuses you of half repping squats
When you see someone curling in the squat rack
Newbie squatting to parallel is half repping. me
When it took 6 days to get over stiff legs and you realise today is squats
My face before my last squat set, wondering if it’s all worth it
When the lift is broken and yesterday was squats
When you nearly die after squats and realise you’ve only just started your leg workout
When it’s rest day but all you’re thinking about is super setting squats and dumbbell curls
When they bragging about their pb on leg press but their knees hurt when they squat
When you nearly die after squats and realise you’ve only just started your leg workout
When someone tells you them squats are paying off
When you finally see a free squat rack
When it’s rest day but all you’re thinking about is super setting squats and dumbbell curls
When you’ve got doms and your gym buddy wants to squat
When they bragging about their pb on leg press but their knees hurt when they squat
When it’s rest day but all you’re thinking about is super setting squats and dumbbell curls