Fitness influencers getting exposed for using fake weights. me
When your gym buddy turns up with lifting gloves
When someone tries to tell you creatine is a steroid
When your gym buddy suggests giving cross fit a go
When people who don’t workout try to give you advice
My face when i see a pic of myself before i had gainz
My face when someone asks me to skip the gym and do something else
When your gym buddy suggests skipping legs today
Lifting partner we should start doing some cardio. me
Newbie squatting to parallel is half repping. me
Watching your friend take preworkout for the first time
When someone else is getting blamed for the protein fart i just let out
When you see a personal trainer that needs a personal trainer
Non lifter a calorie is a calorie. me
When someone tells you they wanna quit the gym after a week cos they not seeing any results
When you hear someone say they don’t wanna get too big
When someone accuses you of half repping squats
That look you give someone when they tell you they gonna start doing crossfit