My face when i see a pic of myself before i started working out
Me in between sets, contemplating life
Me who loves to workout. also me who’s tired of being sore
When you’re back in the gym after 3 months and your warmup feels heavy
Doctor most of your medical issues could be solved with healthy diet and exercise. me
When you’ve been lifting for 2 hours and your buddy wants to finish off with 5 mins of cardio
Me in between sets, pondering if it’s all worth it
When everyone else is eating cookies and other delicious shit
Me, looking at bread
Me in between sets, trying to remember when it all went wrong
When you’ve been dieting for a week but you’re still not skinny
When no one asks for my fitness advice
When you have a bunch of adult stuff to do but you just wanna go to the gym
When you’re about gym life but nobody notices that you workout
When your preworkout buzz has worn off
Me doing maths in my head in between sets
Sometimes i wonder if my gym is thinking about me too
When it’s chest day but you remember it’s actually legs day