Me, looking at bread
When it’s bed time but you still have 2 meals to eat
When no one asks for my fitness advice
And then the coach said 7 minutes of burpees
Me filling the room with negative energy because i’m hungry
Me bad sessions happen, you just have to brush them off me when i have a bad session
When she notices your calves
When you’re on a diet and people keep bringing junk food to work
When everyone else is eating cookies and other delicious shit
When you’ve mentally prepared for leg day and there’s a queue for the squat rack
When you’ve been dieting for a week but you’re still not skinny
When they bragging about their pb on leg press but their knees hurt when they squat
When the gym employee says you’re deadlifting grunts are disturbing others
My face before my last squat set, wondering if it’s all worth it
Huge guy walks into gym for the first time. former biggest guy in the gym
When it’s low carb day and the carbs are calling your name
Starts working out to help depression but now you’re just buff and depressed
When you’ve been eating all day and not sure if you’re disgusted with yourself or should finish with somethi