Friend fancy a slice of pizza me, who’s on zero carbs
When some says you’re so lucky not being fat
When you’ve got doms and your gym buddy wants to squat
When you see your gym buddy with a new training partner
When you’re on zero carbs and someone offers you a slice of pizza
When no one asks for my fitness advice
When life gives you lemons but you wanted cupcakes
When you’ve been dieting all day and someone offers you a slice of pizza
Me when someone tells me you’ve lost some size since i last saw you
My reaction when someone thinks it’s funny to slap my thighs after leg day
The look i give people while on my meal plan
When you hit a pr and nobody was watching
Me in between sets, trying to remember when it all went wrong
When your gym buddy turns up with lifting gloves
Me when i’ve one more of set of squats to go but not sure if i’ve got it in me
When someone suggests there’s life outside the gym
Friend you’re so lucky not being fat. me who trains 5 times per week
Me, looking at bread