When the pre starts kicking way to hard and you’re trying not to freak out
When a gym newbie asks for your advice
When you realize you’re now bigger than the dude who introduced you to the gym
Fitness influencers getting exposed for using fake weights. me
That feeling when you hit a new pr
That confidence you get when you start hitting the gym
Lifting partner we should start doing some cardio. me
Pre workout just kicked in
My face when someone asks me to skip the gym and do something else
My face when a good song comes on during my workout
When a gym newbie offers training advice
When a newbie’s preworkout kicks in
When you’re dieting and you see someone having seconds
The face you make when you realise you’ve maxed out every machine in the gym
Me when someone tells me you’ve lost some size since i last saw you
The feel when your preworkout kicks in
When someone tells you them squats are paying off
The feel when your preworkout kicks in