When your ex notices your gainz
When your friends finally notice your gainz
When somebody randomly compliments your gains
Gym employee your deadlifting grunts are disturbing others. me
When you hit a pr and your gym crush was watching
That confidence you get when you start hitting the gym
Gym mfer stockpiling the dumbbells. me
Me when i realise i’ve maxed out every machine in the gym
When a newbie’s preworkout kicks in
When you see someone curling in the squat rack
When the gym staff know your name
Gym mfer walks in between me and the mirror during a set. me
When a weight that was too much for you last month is now easy
My face when i learn my favourite protein is on sale
When someone suggests there’s life outside the gym
That confidence you get when you start hitting the gym
When you’re in the real world and you see someone from the gym
Me realizing i’m now bigger than the dude who introduced me to the gym