The face you make when you see someone with bad form
My face when i’m warming up and someone asks if i want a spot
When it’s leg day but you dont wanna
When you’ve maxed out every machine in the gym
The face you make when you realise you’ve maxed out every machine in the gym
When someone takes your bench at the gym
When you ask your personal trainer for some honest feedback and they’re too honest
When you’ve been cutting all day and you come home to lasagne
You new gym partners reaction when they go through your workout
When people who don’t workout try to give you advice
When it’s leg day but you dont wanna
When you’ve got doms and your gym buddy wants to squat
When it took 6 days to get over stiff legs and you realise today is squats
When your gym crush leaves just as you pull up
When someone tries giving me advice on how to grow my calves
Newbie i’m gonna try rich piana’s 2 hour arm workout. me
When a gym newbie asks for your advice
When there’s birthday cake at work but you’re on a diet