Me trying to remember how many grams of protein i’ve had today
My face when i’m warming up and someone asks if i want a spot
The face you make,in between sets, contemplating life
Non lifter you workout too much. me
When my gym buddy hits a pr and i know he has more in the tank
My face before my last squat set, wondering if it’s all worth it
Gym buddy that was one tough set, how about one more me
When someone asks if you work out when you’ve almost hit your natty genetic potential
When your gym buddy suggests skipping legs and hitting chest again
When your gym buddy goes to another gym
When your gym buddy turns up with lifting gloves
When you nearly die after squats and realise you’ve only just started your leg workout
Me who loves to workout. also me who’s tired of being sore
When you have a bunch of adult stuff to do but you just wanna go to the gym
When you realise your only two hobbies are going to the gym and taking naps
The face you make when someone asks if they can start working out with you
Me in between sets, pondering if it’s all worth it
When you’re resting between sets and someone asks if you’re finished with the bench