When everyone else is eating cookies and other delicious shit
When someone tries to tell you creatine is a steroid
When you hear someone say ‘i don’t train legs’
When you have a bunch of adult stuff to do but you just wanna go to the gym
When you see someone who’s also bout gym life
When you see your ex with a new partner who doesn’t even lift
Fitness influencers getting exposed for using fake weights. me
When a non lifters tells you hitting the gym 4 times a week is too much
The look i give people while on my meal plan
When the lift is broken and yesterday was squats
When you’ve got doms and it’s leg day
Me when someone tells me they don’t have time to workout but i wake at 5am to hit the gym
When it’s chest day but you remember it’s actually legs day
When a weight that was too much for you last month is now easy
You coach after combining thrusters and burpees
Fitness influencers getting exposed for using fake weights. me
When the lift is broken and yesterday was squats
When a non lifter tells you a calorie is a calorie