When your gym partner gets injured and can only train legs for the next 6 weeks
When your gym buddy suggests skipping legs today
When the hot girl at the gym starts doing squats right next to you
Me determined that this is the week my calves will start to grow. my calves
When you hear someone say ‘i don’t train legs’
When it’s chest day but you remember it’s actually legs day
Newbie squatting to parallel is half repping. me
Gym buddy wanna skip legs and hit chest again me
Gym buddy wanna skip legs and hit chest again me
When your gym buddy suggests skipping legs today
When your gym buddy suggests skipping legs and hitting chest again
When they curling in the squat rack and pause to take a phone call
When it’s leg day but you dont wanna
When you’ve got doms and your gym buddy wants to squat
When it took 6 days to get over stiff legs and you realise today is squats
Get’s to gym, remembers it’s legs day
Me determined that this is the week my calves will start to grow. my calves
When you’ve got doms and your gym buddy wants to squat