When you’re at the gym on friday night and all the equipment is yours
When you’re on zero carbs and someone offers you a slice of pizza
When your lifting partner suggests you start doing some cardio
When you’ve been cutting all day and you come home to lasagne
When you hit the gym at 6am to avoid the crowds and it’s packed out
When you’re struggling to finish the set and wondering if you loaded the wrong weight
When you pull up to the gym and you can see every bench taken before you even walk in
The face you make when someone interrupts your set
When someone tells me they forgot to eat today while i base my entire day around eating
My reaction when someone thinks it’s funny to slap my thighs after leg day
When the pre starts kicking way to hard and you’re trying not to freak out
Me after 7 days of ketosis and i’ve lost 1 lb
When they putting clips on the smith machine
When you hear that guy screaming on every rep
When it took 6 days to get over stiff legs and you realise today is squats
When a newbie tells me they gonna try rich paina’s 2 hour arm workout
The look i give people while on my meal plan
When you’re warming up and someone asks if you want a spot