Me protein fart, my bad. everyone else
When you’re half way through a heavy squat session on a friday night and questioning if you’re doing the rig
When you hear someone say they don’t wanna build muscle, they wanna get toned
When a gym newbie offers training advice
When you’re a beast in the gym but can’t run more than 90 seconds on the treadmill
When you realise your only two hobbies are going to the gym and taking naps
You new gym partners reaction when they go through your workout
When you’re at the gym, and someone walks by smelling like they just took a bath in cologne
Me when someone tells me you’ve lost some size since i last saw you
My gym rival watching me lift 5lbs more than him with worse form
How haters look when you keep getting better
99 of people when you try to explain the simplicity of losing weight from eating in a calorific deficit
Me in between sets, trying to remember when it all went wrong
When my gym buddy hits a pr and i know he has more in the tank
Gym buddy that was one tough set, how about one more me
Me staring at the 40 year old construction worker in jeans benching 500 lbs
Lifting partner we should start doing some cardio. me
When someone asks if you work out when you’ve almost hit your natty genetic potential