When your ex notices your gainz
That moment when there’s finally a free bench at the gym
When some says you’re so lucky not being fat
When you see a personal trainer that needs a personal trainer
When someone asks if you work out when you’ve almost hit your natty genetic potential
When you done 8 reps but know deep down you had 2 more in you
When you’ve been hitting the gym for 3 months and nobody compliments you
When you’ve got doms and it’s leg day
When you’re at the gym and your song comes on
When you’ve just remembered today is zero carbs
When your lifting partner suggests you start doing some cardio
When your preworkout buzz has worn off
When someone tells me there are better hobbies than working out
When someone has been lifting for a week and tells you they wanna quit
The feel when your preworkout kicks in
When the gym is the most exciting part of the day, and that’s over
When you see a gym bench finally available
When they bragging about their pb on leg press but their knees hurt when they squat