When you’re back in the gym after 3 months and your warmup feels heavy
When you’re dieting and you see someone having seconds
When your lifting partner suggests you start doing some cardio
When they putting clips on the smith machine
When you hear someone say ‘i don’t train legs’
Huge guy walks into gym for the first time. former biggest guy in the gym
Gym buddy that was one tough set, how about one more me
Everyone else it’s two for one at papa johns me after cutting all week
That moment when there’s finally a free bench at the gym
My face when someone asks me to skip the gym and do something else
When you’ve bulk bought your protein but now it’s on sale
When someone asks if you work out when you’ve almost hit your natty genetic potential
When you’re resting between sets and someone asks if you’re finished with the bench
My face when thinking i should start doing some cardio
The face you make when you think you should start doing some cardio
Me determined that this is the week my calves will start to grow. my calves
When you see some skinny guy showing off his abs
Watching a documentary about a serial killer he was a loner, had no lover, spent all his time at the gym. me