When you see a gym bench finally available
The face you make when you realise you’ve maxed out every machine in the gym
When your friends finally notice your gainz
When a weight that was too much for you last month is now easy
When you’re at the gym and your song comes on
That feeling when you hit a new pr
When your gym crush notices your gainz
When you realize you’re now bigger than the dude who introduced you to the gym
When you open a new tub of protein powder and the scoop is at the top
When you realize you’re now bigger than the dude who introduced you to the gym
When you get a free shaker with your protein
That feeling when you hit a new pr
My face when a good song comes on during my workout
That moment when there’s finally a free bench at the gym
When a newbie’s preworkout kicks in
My face when a good song comes on during my workout
When you finally see a free squat rack
When your gym crush walks in and gives you a smile