My face when i look in the mirror and see gainz
Newbie i’m gonna try rich piana’s 2 hour arm workout. me
The guy at the protein company burring the scoop at the bottom
The face your gym partner makes when you tell them how many sets they got left
When no one asks for my fitness advice
My face when my gym buddy turns up
That look when a newbie tries to correct your form
Me determined that this is the week my calves will start to grow. my calves
When someone asks me why i workout so much
When you’re resting between sets and someone asks if you’re finished with the bench
Get’s to gym, remembers it’s legs day
Staff at new gym welcome, have you ever trained before me
When your friends finally notice your gainz
When your gym crush notices your gainz
Friend you’re so lucky not being fat. me who trains 5 times per week
Finished workout, forgot post workout drink
When you see your gym crush walking into the gym
When you see someone half repping their squats