Zero carbs expect the occasional tantrum
Friend fancy a slice of pizza me, who’s on zero carbs
When there’s birthday cake at work but it’s low carb day
When you’re on a diet and people keep bringing junk food to work
My face outside any restaurant after i workout
When everyone else is eating cookies and other delicious shit
When you’ve been dieting for a week but you’re still not skinny
When you’ve been cutting all week and it’s two for one at papa johns
Friend fancy a slice of pizza me, who’s been dieting all day
When a non lifter tells you a calorie is a calorie
When you’re a beast in the gym but can’t run more than 90 seconds on the treadmill
When someone tells me they forgot to eat today while i base my entire day around eating
When a gym newbie offers diet advice
When someone eats whatever they want looks great while i smell a cookie and gain 3 lbs
Me after 7 days of ketosis and i’ve lost 1 lb
When you’re on zero carbs and someone offers you a slice of pizza
When you’re in ketosis and someone is eating pizza
Everyone else having seconds. me