When you hear someone say they don’t wanna build muscle, they wanna get toned
When you see your ex with a new partner who doesn’t even lift
My face when i learn my favourite protein is on sale
Watching your friend take preworkout for the first time
When someone tells me there are better hobbies than working out
When it’s friday, gym done for the week
When they putting on lifting gloves for the leg press
The face you make when you think you should start doing some cardio
Me realizing i’m now bigger than the dude who introduced me to the gym
That face you make when you see someone working out in jeans
When someone suggests there’s life outside the gym
When you hear someone say machines are superior to free weights
Non lifter a calorie is a calorie. me
The look i give people while on my meal plan
My face when i see a pic of myself before i had gainz
When the gym staff know your name
When you see your ex with a new partner who doesn’t even lift
Fitness influencers getting exposed for using fake weights. me