When you almost died on your last set and your partner starts adding more weight
When you’ve bulk bought your protein but now it’s on sale
Forgot to post on facebook that i was going to the gym, now whole session is wasted
When you see someone forget to rerack their dumbbells
When your preworkout buzz has worn off
Friend i don’t wanna lift heavy cos it’s bad for the joints. me
When your friend asks you for fitness advice you know they won’t follow
The look i give people while on my meal plan
When you’re warming up and someone asks if you want a spot
When you’re struggling to finish the set and wondering if you loaded the wrong weight
Me who loves to workout. also me who’s tired of being sore
Friend you can skip one workout, it won’t matter. me
When you’ve ordered a salad at your favourite restaurant and the waiter tells you pizzas are 2 for 1 today
When you reach boiling point and decide they’ve been hogging the squat rack too long
When you have to leave the gym early because you have the shits
When you’re back in the gym after 3 months and your warmup feels heavy
When you’ve calculated your marcos and someone asks to take a bite
When you see your gym buddy with a new training partner