When you find out that once you get in shape, you still have to stay in shape
Friend fancy a slice of pizza me, who’s been dieting all day
When you see some skinny guy showing off his abs
When the gym staff know your name
When you see someone curling in the squat rack
When a gym newbie asks for your advice
When you get advice from the skinny guy
When you leave your bench to find more plates and you see someone unracking it
When someone asks if you work out when you’ve almost hit your natty genetic potential
Friend fancy a slice of pizza me, who’s on zero carbs
When someone asks if you work out when you’ve almost hit your natty genetic potential
When someone tells you they enjoy burpees
When my gym buddy hits a pr and i know he has more in the tank
When you hear someone say ‘i don’t train legs’
Me when someone tells me they don’t have time to workout but i wake at 5am to hit the gym
Friend you can skip one workout, it won’t matter. me
That look you give someone when they tell you they gonna start doing crossfit
Friend fancy a slice of pizza me, who’s on zero carbs