Gym crush hi, how are you me
That face you make when you see someone working out in jeans
Starts working out to help depression but now you’re just buff and depressed
When the gym employee says you’re deadlifting grunts are disturbing others
When your friends ain’t seen you in months and you got gainz
When you’ve been cutting all day and you come home to lasagne
Friend you’re so lucky not being fat. me who trains 5 times per week
When you hear someone say ‘i don’t train legs’
When someone tells me you workout too much
When you see someone half repping their squats
Me when a weight that was too much for me last month is now easy
When she notices your calves
Watching your friend take preworkout for the first time
When someone suggests there’s life outside the gym
My face outside any restaurant after i workout
When your ex notices your gainz
When a gym newbie asks for your advice
When your gym buddy suggests giving cross fit a go