When you get a free shaker with your protein
Me in between sets, pondering if it’s all worth it
Watching someone warming up with your max
When its leg day but you spot an open bench
Me spreading dangerous misinformation to gym newbies so they’ll never catch up to my physique
Gym mfer putting their plates back. me
When they putting clips on the smith machine
Staff at new gym welcome, have you ever trained before me
Doctor most of your medical issues could be solved with healthy diet and exercise. me
When your lifting partner suggests you start doing some cardio
When the gym staff know your name
When you’re in the real world and you see someone from the gym
Working up the courage to tell my personal trainer that i ate an entire birthday cake
The first time a gym newbie asks for your advice
When a newbie’s preworkout kicks in
My face when someone asks me how many sets you got left
When your gym crush walks in and gives you a smile
My face when i learn my favourite protein is on sale