When you see someone who’s also bout gym life
The moment you realize there are some things the gym can’t fix
When someone eats whatever they want looks great while i smell a cookie and gain 3 lbs
When a weight that was too much for you last month is now easy
Gym crush hi, how are you me
Everyone else having seconds. me
Me when i’ve one more of set of squats to go but not sure if i’ve got it in me
You new gym partners reaction when they go through your workout
When someone tells you they enjoy cardio
When your lifting partner suggests you start doing some cardio
Gym mfer how many sets you got left me
Wife can you skip the gym today me
When you hear someone say they don’t wanna get too big
When you see someone half repping their squats
When someone says they don’t train on fridays
When you’ve maxed out every machine in the gym
When some says you’re so lucky not being fat
Zero carbs expect the occasional tantrum