When you’re half way through a heavy squat session on a friday night and questioning your life choices
When you hear someone say machines are superior to free weights
When your whole body is sore but gym is life
When you hear someone say they don’t wanna build muscle, they wanna get toned
When you’ve been lifting for 2 hours and your buddy wants to finish off with 5 mins of cardio
When you’re struggling to finish the set and wondering if you loaded the wrong weight
Sits down at a machine at the gym last person was weaker than me
When you’re resting between sets and someone asks if you’re finished with the bench
When you’re on zero carbs and someone offers you a slice of pizza
Me doing maths in my head in between sets
Friend bro, your gym crush is here, act natural. me
When you see some skinny guy showing off his abs
When the gym is the best part of the day and you’ve been already
When someone eats whatever they want looks great while i smell a cookie and gain 3 lbs
When you’ve bulk bought your protein but now it’s on sale
The face your gym partner makes when you tell them how many sets they got left
When life gives you lemons but you wanted carbs
Me after 7 days of ketosis and i’ve lost 1 lb