Non lifters i don’t have time to hit the gym. me getting up at 5am to hit the gym before work
When someone else is getting blamed for the protein fart i just let out
The face you make when you see someone with bad form
When it’s friday, gym done for the week
When your gym crush walks in and gives you a smile
When you’ve maxed out every machine in the gym
When you’re about gym life but nobody notices that you workout
Zero carbs expect the occasional tantrum
When there’s birthday cake at work but you’re on a diet
Non lifter you’re getting too big. me
The face you make when someone interrupts your set
When the pre starts kicking way to hard and you’re trying not to freak out
When you hear someone say machines are superior to free weights
When your gym buddy goes to another gym
My face after a set of calf raises
Friend fancy a slice of pizza me, who’s been dieting all day
When you’ve been dieting for a week but you’re still not skinny
When you nearly die after squats and realise you’ve only just started your leg workout