When your gym crush notices your gainz
My face when i’m warming up and someone asks if i want a spot
When you see someone who’s also bout gym life
My face after a set of calf raises
When my gym buddy hits a pr and i know he has more in the tank
Everyone else having seconds. me
When you’re in the real world and you see someone from the gym
Me determined that this is the week my calves will start to grow. my calves
Everyone else having seconds. me
Me when i realise i’ve maxed out every machine in the gym
When you’re waiting for work to end and hit the gym but you hear your boss mention the word overtime
When you hear people say they don’t go to the gym cos they don’t wanna get bulky
When your gym partner gets injured and can only train legs for the next 6 weeks
When you see a gym bench finally available
Friend fancy a slice of pizza me, who’s on zero carbs
When you ask your personal trainer for some honest feedback and they’re too honest
My face when i’m warming up and someone asks if i want a spot
Get’s to gym, remembers it’s legs day