When you ask your personal trainer for some honest feedback and they’re too honest
When you hear that guy screaming on every rep
Me in between sets, pondering if it’s all worth it
My face when someone asks me how many sets you got left
When you look across the gym and your favourite machine is taken
Non lifters i don’t have time to hit the gym. me getting up at 5am to hit the gym before work
When you’re on a diet and people keep bringing junk food to work
When someone asks for a scoop of your protein
When you’re half way through a heavy squat session on a friday night and questioning if you’re doing the rig
When you’ve been cutting all week and it’s two for one at papa johns
When you’ve booked your holiday but there’s no gym where you’re going
When a gym newbie asks for your advice
When all the junk food you ate over the weekend finally catches you up
When you’ve been lifting for 2 hours and your buddy wants to finish off with 5 mins of cardio
When you go to refill your water bottle and see someone unracking your weights
When you’re at the gym and your song comes on
When you’ve been dieting all day and someone offers you a slice of pizza
The face your gym partner makes when you tell them how many sets they got left