The moment you realize there are some things the gym can’t fix
When someone tells you them squats are paying off
When someone has been lifting for a week and tells you they wanna quit
When you’ve calculated your marcos and someone asks to take a bite
When you’re on a diet and people keep bringing junk food to work
When you’re on zero carbs and someone offers you a slice of pizza
When you get to the gym and it’s closed
My face when my gym buddy turns up
When you’ve got doms and it’s leg day
When you’ve one more of set of squats to go but not sure if you’ve got it in you
When life gives you lemons but you wanted whey
Friend you’re so lucky not being fat. me who trains 5 times per week
When you nearly die after squats and realise you’ve only just started your leg workout
Huge guy walks into gym for the first time. former biggest guy in the gym
When someone asks for a scoop of your protein
Non lifters i don’t workout cos i don’t wanna get bulky. me
When you see someone curling in the squat rack
When people who don’t workout try to give you advice