When you’re struggling to finish the set and wondering if you loaded the wrong weight
When life gives you lemons but you wanted carbs
Non lifter you workout too much. me
When someone tells you they enjoy cardio
When people who don’t workout try to give you advice
My face about to start my sixth serving of chicken broccoli
Gym mfer how many sets you got left me
When you get to the gym and it’s closed
The look i give people while on my meal plan
When you hear that guy screaming on every rep
Me bad sessions happen, you just have to brush them off me when i have a bad session
Finished workout, forgot post workout drink
Gym buddy that was one tough set, how about one more me
Wife can you skip the gym today me
My face when i’m warming up and someone asks if i want a spot
When you’re on zero carbs and someone offers you a slice of pizza
When a non lifter tells you a calorie is a calorie
Battery dies in bluetooth headphones, forced to listen to gym playlist