My face when someone asks me how many sets you got left
Everyone else having seconds. me
When you’re struggling to finish the set and wondering if you loaded the wrong weight
The face you make, in between sets, trying to remember when it all went wrong
When you hit a pr and nobody was watching
When someone tells you they enjoy cardio
When you’ve just remembered today is zero carbs
Me who loves to workout. also me who’s tired of being sore
When someone tries talking to me in the gym
Gets to 24 hour gym it’s closed
When a newbie’s preworkout kicks in
When someone takes the bench you’ve been waiting 10 minutes for
When you hear someone say they don’t wanna get too big
Non lifters i don’t workout cos i don’t wanna get bulky. me
When i’ve managed to go the whole day without breaking my diet
Pre workout just kicked in
Everyone else it’s two for one at papa johns me after cutting all week
Zero carbs expect the occasional tantrum