When your gym crush notices your gainz
When you’re struggling to finish the set and wondering if you picked up the wrong dumbbells
When your whole body is sore but gym is life
Gym mfer putting their plates back. me
When you’re back in the gym after 3 months and your warmup feels heavy
Huge guy walks into gym for the first time. former biggest guy in the gym
When you’re on a diet and people keep bringing junk food to work
When you see someone training with perfect form
When someone tells you they enjoy cardio
When you’ve taken preworkout and find out gym is closed
When you hear that guy screaming on every rep
My face when someone asks me to skip the gym and do something else
When you’re resting between sets and someone asks if you’re finished with the bench
Gym employee your deadlifting grunts are disturbing others. me
When a gym newbie offers training advice
When they putting clips on the smith machine
My face outside any restaurant after i workout
When your gym buddy suggests skipping legs today