When you open a new tub of protein powder and the scoop is at the top
Me throw on another plate, i’m gonna hit this pr. my rotator cuffs
When you’re about gym life but nobody notices that you workout
Battery dies in bluetooth headphones, forced to listen to gym playlist
When i say i look fat and no one says anything
When you leave your bench to find more plates and you see someone unracking it
When someone asks for a scoop of your protein
Newbie squatting to parallel is half repping. me
How haters look when you keep getting better
When someone says they don’t squat cos leg press does the same thing
When you’re injured and see everyone lifting
Chicken breast on sale
Mfer you haven’t seen in a while hey you still workout me who hasn’t missed a day in years
When it’s rest day and you have no other hobbies
When someone tries to tell you creatine is a steroid
When i say i look fat and no one says anything
When the new guy warms up with your max
99 of people when you try to explain the simplicity of losing weight from eating in a calorific deficit