That face you make when you see someone working out in jeans
That moment you realise to get the body you want you must sacrifice the food you love most
My face when i look in the mirror and see gainz
When someone asks for a scoop of your protein
Sometimes i wonder if my gym is thinking about me too
When you see someone doing pullups without wrist straps
When someone tells you they wanna quit the gym after a week cos they not seeing any results
The face you make when you see someone with bad form
Friend fancy a slice of pizza me, who’s been dieting all day
Me in between sets, pondering if it’s all worth it
When you open a new tub of protein powder and the scoop is at the top
That look when a newbie tries to correct your form
When a newbie’s preworkout kicks in
My face when someone asks me how many sets you got left
When someone accuses you of half repping squats
When you see high school kids recording tiktok videos at the gym
Gym buddy that was one tough set, how about one more me
When you done 8 reps but know deep down you had 2 more in you