My face when i see a pic of myself before i had gainz
My face when i see a pic of myself before i had gainz

Me trying to remember how many grams of protein i’ve had today

When you bring your non lifting friend to the gym and they lift more than you

When someone tells me you workout too much

When there’s birthday cake at work but it’s low carb day

When the muscle you were training is not sore the next day

99 of people when you try to explain the simplicity of losing weight from eating in a calorific deficit

When the gym is the most exciting part of the day, and that’s over

When it’s bed time but you still have 2 meals to eat

When you've ordered a salad at your favourite restaurant and the waiter tells you pizzas are 2 for 1 today
When you’ve ordered a salad at your favourite restaurant and the waiter tells you pizzas are 2 for 1 today

When you eat cold turkey broccoli out of tupperware everyday and you see your coworkers heading out for a

When someone says they don’t train on fridays

Finished workout, forgot post workout drink
Finished workout, forgot post workout drink
When you almost died on your last set and your partner starts adding more weight
When you almost died on your last set and your partner starts adding more weight
When you've booked your holiday but there's no gym where you're going
When you’ve booked your holiday but there’s no gym where you’re going
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