Big dudes on roids staring at the natty guy lifting decent weights
Big dudes on roids staring at the natty guy lifting decent weights
Intermittent fasters when someone says so basically you're just skipping breakfast
Intermittent fasters when someone says so basically you’re just skipping breakfast

My face after finishing a workout just as the gym hits it’s busiest peak hours

When you skip one workout and begin to doubt your entire life
When you skip one workout and begin to doubt your entire life
When you're struggling to finish the set and wondering if you picked up the wrong dumbbells
When you’re struggling to finish the set and wondering if you picked up the wrong dumbbells
When you want to get into shape but all you can think about is pizza
When you want to get into shape but all you can think about is pizza
Friend i don't wanna lift heavy cos it's bad for the joints. me
Friend i don’t wanna lift heavy cos it’s bad for the joints. me
When you realise you have less than 3 weeks to get in shape for your hols
When you realise you have less than 3 weeks to get in shape for your hols
When someone has been lifting for a week and tells you they wanna quit
When someone has been lifting for a week and tells you they wanna quit

When people who don’t workout try to give you advice

When someone asks if you work out when you’ve almost hit your natty genetic potential

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